CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 04, 2014

Chris Nolan Built Giant, Practical Spaceship Interiors For Interstellar CinemaCon hosted a conversation with Chris Nolan and the exceptionally private director revealed a few details about his wormhole thriller Interstellar. Like the fact that he build practical spaceship interiors on his closed sets. And that sounds awesome.
At the moderated conversation, Nolan touched on a lot of different cinema-related ideas. He said that Star Wars was a "cinematically perfect" experience, and that he was hard at work trying to create that blockbuster family feel from the past on Interstellar.


AeonX8 said...

As a fan of Christopher Nolan’s work since ‘Memento’ back in 2000, I am looking forward to ‘Interstellar’ come this November. I admire Nolan’s approach of shooting practical as much as possible – not necessarily to replace visual effects (CG, miniatures, etc), but to amplify them. Now that I know the view from the spaceship interiors was physically constructed and not green screen, I will be especially alert for those scenes in the film. However, I have faith in Nolan’s abilities as a storyteller that I will be sucked into the world of ‘Interstellar’ and not become fixated on what is or is not VFX.

Thomas Ford said...

I really like how some directors try as hard as they can in order to shoot real locations, even though CG is in many ways an easier option. I'm a big fan of Nolan, and I really admire how much of his effects he tries to actually make. I thought it was interesting when he said that having a real set has such a positive impact on the actors and their performances, and how it allows the director to shoot the movie as though it's a documentary. I also found the description of the womhole traveling to be really cool, and I look forward to seeing the movie.

Carolyn Mazuca said...

I really admire Christopher Nolan's dedication too not using CG in his films. I can see how it affects the actors performance and the "clean-up" ability of the effects team ultimately giving more feel in the types of movies Nolan directs. I am interested to see how they designed and executed making the interior of the ship. More specifically, I am interested to see how the materials and effects they use on the set play into the world the movie exists in.

Trent Taylor said...

As ive said before, Chris nolan's continuing commitment to investing in real sets is something that I think consistently makes his films better than others and makes him one of my favorite directors. The way live sets look on film and the way actually being in the location can elicit truer emotions from the actors is unmistakable. I'm glad that even though he's going into outer space, a location that could very easily be cgi, hes still using real stuff. I also think its really interesting that, despite it being so old, he views star wars as such a model for these type of films. I also wonder what his reaction will be to the new star wars films when they come out.

Unknown said...

This is something that definitely sets Christopher Nolan apart from other directors trying to obtain the same feel. He is absolutely right, Star Wars nailed the "cinematically perfect" experience and I think that Nolan achieves that with many of his films. His use of real sets makes a world of difference and actually helps to put you in the place of the action which is vitally important in movies, in my opinion. I'm interested by his new movie coming up, Interstellar, and I have much faith in his ability to pull off a great movie with an equally great set.

Akiva said...

Interstellar sounds like a really good film. I've always loved Chris Nolan's films. Building a practical spaceship on a sound stage sounds like just the sort of thing that he would do. I recall that almost all of the effects for inception were done in camera/in real life. According to the article this new film will have many of the elements his past films that were very popular. I can't wait for this film to come up. I hope that at some point in my career I will have the change to work on a film that has the sort of set that Interstellar has.

Lukos said...

This reminds me of something a teacher told me when i was 16. Directors like seeing models. They like to touch them they like to play with them they want something physical. Computer renderings are helpful and for certain contexts preferred but nothing beats bringing a model. Christopher nolan likes physical things. Things he can touch and move in real space. Actors do to understandably. The more you see and feel and touch the better you can act in context i imagine. I am very much of this thought. I personally like designing in computer space for time/financial/and logistical reasons but i don't like presenting those things. I render in a CAD program then make a model using those dimensions. There are things you cant do in CAD when it comes to presenting a design. I really respect Nolan's persistence in keeping away from CGI.