CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pure Auditory Nostalgia: Over 40 Minutes of Cartoon Sound Effects Here now for your aural pleasure are 42 minutes and 29 seconds of sound effects from vintage Warner Bros. cartoons. This is highly concentrated auditory nostalgia, delivered right to your ear-holes.

1 comment:

Mike Vultaggio said...

I'm so glad I found this article/ video. If there is one thing I remember from my childhood it was waking up and watching the classic cartoons with my family and laughing at the ridiculous sound effects that would be played. I might even say that it is this exact thing that peaked my interest in sound in the first place. I find it very interesting to hear a sound that may not have anything to do with an object and now after the years of hearing it I almost think of these obscure sounds rather than the real sounds that things make. Most notably the sound of a person falling is definitely a slide whistle.