CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Live Sound: Building Your Own Wedges: Follow The Basics To Insure Roadworthiness

Pro Sound Web: Building a floor monitor wedge is something that many of us attempt (or at least want to attempt) at one time or another. There is great satisfaction in designing and building a wedge. I design loudspeakers for a company, but really enjoy taking other manufacturer’s boxes apart to examine the inner construction and see how they actually put glue to wood to make the design work.

1 comment:

rmarkowi said...

I've experimented (re)building speakers, and I know how complicated they can be. I would argue that some of the best speakers are those that are very simple: some wire, a cone, and a magnet inside a box. I also think it's very cool how people can build speakers, without ridiculous machinery and tools. I know a couple of my friends referred to sound as black magic, and getting to put together a speaker and microphone helped eliminate some of that fogginess.