CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Wild Bar for a Wild Party

Prop Agenda: It is a little over a week since Elon University’s Wild Party closed, so I thought I would share some of the props I built while working as the props master on it. First is the sleek Art Deco bar. This production featured a lot of dancing and movement (in fact, the show was more of a dance piece with singing than a traditional musical) and the bar was key in a lot of the dancing. Actors jumped up and down off of it constantly and danced on top of it. Needless to say, it had to be sturdy.

1 comment:

Nikki Baltzer said...

After reading about the purpose and constuction of the Bar, I have to say that sounds really interesting. This reminded me about one of the many things I have learned in Scenic Engineering; that one of the worst thing for a stage is tap because, the actor/ dancers beat the living mess out of any surface. Knowing this I have a sorta scene of the challenged they must of faced when constructing the Bar; knowing that a huge portion of the show it had to be stable enough to handle more than just drinks. The overall look at the end was classy and nice. I would have loved to have scene the show knowing the effort they put into making the bar. I also imagine that it was very heavy.