CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What Recruiters Really Want to See on Your LinkedIn Profile

Levo League: It’s obvious that LinkedIn is an important tool in the job search; we’ve all read and heard about that for some time now. As with any career-related topic that gets a lot of airtime, there is now tons of information, some conflicting, and it’s hard to sift through all of it. While I am not the authority on LinkedIn by any means, I have spent a lot of time looking for candidates on it (for many real, open roles at amazing companies) and I know what I like to see. So here it is… what recruiters really want to see on your LinkedIn


Brian Alderman said...

So..... Linked In should serve as a digital resume, and that's what recruiters are looking for. Yes. Clearly. But I think the author (and, by corollary, the recruiters) is kind of missing the point- LinkedIn is meant to be more than a digital resume. Sure, the author comments in about a sentence on the need for a personal network. That's something you don't really get on a resume. But the rest of it is very bland. I'd be more curious if recruiters want to see an informal side of a person, or samples of work on this new recruiting tool. Otherwise, why would they even try to find my on it instead of waiting for me to apply or taking a look at my resume.

Anonymous said...

This is something that I am just beginning to struggle with. I just got a LinkedIn literally a few days ago because I wasn't sure how I wanted to manage it. For me it's tricky because I want some of my friends to be a part of my network, but at the same time I feel like your connections should be people who you have worked for and/or with. My basic criterion for a connection on LinkedIn is would this person write me a recommendation? Because that's likely what people are looking for when they go to your LinkedIn page. Hopefully mine will stay on the down low until I feel really ready to present it to the world.