CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Artists Sought for Gun-Control Community Arts Action

Blogh: Fiction stories (especially movies) are often implicated in America’s stunning level of gun violence. Local theater artists hope that storytelling can also sway people away from guns. Pittsbugh PACT (Public Action Community Theatre) seeks short written works, including plays, for its gun-control community arts action, to be held Downtown on Sat., Jan. 26. The event is a collaboration with activist troupe NoPassport, which is leading a theater action in Washington, D.C., and groups including OnePittsburgh and CeaseFirePA. The actions are scheduled to coincide with that day’s national gun-control march on Washington.

1 comment:

rmarkowi said...

I don't know what a difference this made. Here's my stereotypical, judgemental, completely non-pc thought on the matter. People who like theatre and go to shows are often people who do not favor guns already. So although I very much appreciate that the community of artists is trying to do it's part in gun control, I'd be surprised if it made that big of a difference. But still: good for them. I'm sure it was a good time anyways!