CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slideshow: World Maker Faire New York 2012

EDN: Rain and a down subway system didn’t stop more than 500 makers from showing their projects off at World Maker Faire New York, September 29 and 30, at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, nor did it hinder the crowds of engineers, hobbyists, and hackers who attended. Review some of the event’s highlights in this slideshow, including 3-D printing, brain-controlled Pong, bio-feedback art, new autonomous vehicles, and more.


Robert said...

It is amazing the things that are showcased at these events. There people just do these things in their free time without large corporations funding there work and some of them have not thought about making money off of what they had made and developed. I hope that this continues into the future not just a fad that will go away in the coming years. I know that technology has helped a ton in the fact that it has become much cheaper and easier to work with through the years. Also the fact that you can get almost anything at your door step even if you don't have it in your town, you can order it online, makes anything accessible to all..

Unknown said...

Unfortunately they don't feature a few of my favorite displays:

1)'steampunk'/metal art, gravity-fed , portable brewing station

2)life-size version of the board game "Mousetrap" [largest touring Rube Goldberg machine]

Although, I have to say that the Katy Perry unicorn and giant thumb war machine, 3-D printer, tabletop CNC equipment and countless arduino projects were really interesting and impressive and have really sparked my interest. I can't say enough good things about being able to experience this event and I really hope that I have the chance to go again next year.

AAKennard said...

The Maker fair was a pretty cool event to attend. I would best describe it as an adult science fair.

I agree with Joe the steampunk beer brewing station was very cool.

As well as the life size mousetrap game.

There was so much technology there that was just over my head and I could not fully appreciate it. There were organic farmers, to many 3-d printers, to tons of ardinos, and even a crafts fair. It would be really interesting to go back once I learn more about some of the main topics covered.