CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 07, 2011

Eventbrite's Kevin And Julia Hartz Make Event Ticketing Easy And Cheaper For Everyone

Fast Company: If you've had it up to here with Ticketmaster's insane fees, or you're looking to buy or sell tickets to your school's bake sale, your band's concert, or a local cooking class, Eventbrite is for you.


C. Ammerman said...

It's good to see that Ticketmaster finally may have some kind of competition to go up against. I do worry that given Ticketmaster's strangle hold on ticket distribution that this will be a short lived company since I can imagine that Ticketmaster is no stranger to playing dirty to maintain it's dominance within the industry. I think so long as Eventbrite focuses on the small stuff rather then trying to go after big events immediately it could actually go up against Ticketmaster.

K G said...

Finally, something that isn't Ticketmaster. Their interface has been giving me trouble and otherwise making me wary of purchasing tickets online for years. Not only is it a hassle, the server is unreliable and doesn't always show truthful availability. This system, although it may not have been picked up by the big names yet, but it seems to be working well for smaller events. Hopefully this will turn into more recognition, resulting in either a reform in Ticketmaster's interface or a replacement with a different company such as this one sometime in the future.

Will Gossett said...

It's great to see that there are still companies around with good intentions, such as Eventbrite. I have used Eventbrite for a couple of years now as an easy platform for managing attendees to drama club events at my high school, and it has been great. It doesn't charge any fees for easy things like that, and it's super simple to configure and manage. I have always hated "processing fees" or "convenience fees" or any charges for online transactions... It shouldn't cost me anything for Ticketmaster to e-mail me a pdf file that I get to print myself.

abotnick said...

This is wonderfully, finally a company that can challenge Ticketmaster. I just wonder why this hasn't happened sooner. I also wonder if Ticketmaster will try to add new things to their company to try and better themselves and keep their costumers. It will be interesting to see Ticketmaster rebuttal if there is one at all. I wonder if they'll even try to put EventBite out of business. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.

Hannah said...

I love capitalism at work. I think that some of the CMU group were looking into something like this for their events, just keep track of attendance better, to get the word out, and stay organized. I like that this company is feeding off of facebook. That is where I find out about what people are doing. Especially if they group up with whatever it is that makes advertisements specific to your interests. Then they could know I like Caribou, advertise a small local performance, and sell me a ticket. I think this may help small business as well. It would also be nice to have one place to just scan whats going on locally.

beccathestoll said...

Sounds like a great plan, though I don't agree with Charley that they'd be "going up against" Ticketmaster per se or with everyone else saying that they'd be a competitor. I like that Eventbrite seems targeted at smaller, more personal invitations and tickets (my experience with it has been through invites i have received to small parties and fundraisers), sort of creating a niche for themselves. Certainly one shouldn't be paying the same fees for a U2 concert as a garden party (not that there should be fees attached to either one) but this just seems more friendly. Instead of devouring them, as a big business like Ticketmaster is wont to do, perhaps they can learn from them in some way.

AbigailNover said...

I agree that it'll be really difficult to compete with Ticketmaster. What I'm hoping comes out of this, if Eventbrite can't sustain itself, is that either Ticketmaster takes a hint and makes some changes or takes over Eventbrite. I think at this point there's a large group of people who would be happy to stop using Ticketmaster and start using any new company seeing how Ticketmaster is such a pain. Hopefully this will be some improvement.

Page Darragh said...

Unless there is more than one company in the same market their is no competition for the one company selling those products, since nobody else is making them everyone has to buy from that one company. Ticketmaster has been a booming company for who knows how long. I'm so glad that there is someone else they have to run up against now so they might consider following some rules that entitle being a good person!