CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 08, 2011

This Is What Shoes Are Called

TheGloss - A gloss on beauty, fashion, style, love and more: "Be sure to carry this chart with you everyplace so you can accurately compliment your friends on their lobster claws.


Sonia said...

I am a little confused as to why this is an article this week. However, I definitely like it. This is one of those things that you stumbleupon on the internet that is actually kind of fun. I have to say though as much as I love shoes I did not know nearly all of these names. Most of them make sense, except for the scarpin and espadrille. Personally though it is not surprising that I do not know many of these names because I only wear steel toes, flip flops or heels. The chart is a little hard to read though.

beccathestoll said...

So Totally Necessary. I always find myself struggling to describe shoe specifics when it comes to costume choices, and even fashion choices, especially when it comes to retro or period items. It could also certainly be a useful tool for others when trying to identify a certain style to match something, or for guys trying to understand when their girlfriends go on shoe rants (I have friends like that...).