CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 11, 2011

Musical Theatre Artists hopes to foster professional collaboration

The Pitt News: "A new theater group in Pittsburgh has only held one meeting, but there’s already talk of a musical in the works. Musical Theatre Artists of Pittsburgh, an organization dedicated to developing the area’s musical theater productions by fostering artist collaboration, will hold its second meeting at City Theatre in the South Side this Sunday.


Meg DC said...

This sounds so neat and the perfect addition to Pittsburgh already thriving cultural scene. Especially with universities nearby and Pittsburgh growing in popularity as a place to live. With 15 members at the first meeting alone and being able to have the word spread through things like Pitt's campus news and the Green Page, hopefully they will be up and growing soon. Can't wait to hear more once the second meeting has passed.

Tiffany said...

Week after week we repeatedly see articles about the funding of the arts being cut, and struggling theatres who can't make it and many other unfortunate stories regarding our line of work. It's great to finally see an article that shines a positive light on the new upcoming groups that are forming, despite the budget cuts and lack of funding. These artists are going out on a limb to create a new company in these hard times, and it's wonderful to promote their work.