CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Terrence McNally ready for a break after long year

Yahoo! News: "Terrence McNally slowly shakes his head, clasps his hands together, and admits -- with a trace of apology -- that he's ready to take a breather.
It's not because the playwright is 71 years-old, has writer's block, or needs to take a break because he's been battling lung cancer for nearly a decade."

1 comment:

Bryce Cutler said...

This man is quit talented and one of the best book writers out there. It is good to see he is ready for a break. Everyone needs to recharge at some point.

I wonder if he will actually write while breaking. I assume he will. Someone like him doesn't just quit writing he excels it and cant put it down for any amount of time. Something is always turning and I can't wait to see exactly what that is.

Hopefully something good- but I have no doubt.