CMU School of Drama

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Addams Family and Lend Me a Tenor "If you're a New Yorker with children, or if you're bringing the family to Manhattan this summer, you'll have to go to 'The Addams Family.' It won't kill you. You'll laugh a lot, though never during the unmemorable songs, which are supposed to be funny but aren't. You're more than likely to spend a considerable part of the evening wondering how much the set cost. And as you depart the theater, you'll probably catch yourself wondering whether it was really, truly worth it to take your kids to a goodish musical whose tickets are so expensive that you can buy an iPad for less than the price of four orchestra seats." via ArtsJournal

1 comment:

Rachel Robinson said...

The comments that the author of this article makes are all very harsh and negative towards both shows. I would be interested in seeing both shows to see if his comments have any worth. His main criticism of Addams Family was that the music was badly written, which is interesting because I think that Andrew Lippa is the same lyricist who worked on You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown, which is simple and funny, at least in my opinion. I think that the Addams Family is supposed to be suited for a slightly younger audience, therefore I think it's probably okay that the music is not overly complex or extraordinary. It doesn't need to be. As for Lend Me a Tenor, I would question the legitimacy of the author's criticism until I learned more about the production.