CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 06, 2009

You won't escape the grip of Quantum's 'Yerma'

Post Gazette: "Love is simple. It's not always easy, but it is simple. There's the emotion; there's the object of the emotion. Longing, on the other hand, is infinitely complex. Its foundation is a hole, an absence. Filled with love, you are sated. Filled with longing, you are empty."

1 comment:

C. Ammerman said...

The idea of surrounding the audience with screens for projects seems like a cool idea to me, but then the line about lava lamps worried me some. I know personally that a lava lamp can keep me fascinated for hours, and I know that if the projections had a similar effect, the moment I looked at them I wouldn't be able to go back to the play. I'd almost worry that the audience might feel claustrophobic with the performance happening all around them.