CMU School of Drama

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yet another reason to own an Iphone

Technology in the Arts: "If you have been to the Mattress Factory recently to see the new Thaddeus Mosley exhibition, you may have noticed that the title cards and some of the minimal signage have these intricate symbols on them. What you’re seeing is a two dimensional bar code called a QR code that can be used to access information via your mobile internet enabled devices such as an Iphone or Blackberry."

1 comment:

arosenbu said...

I think its cool that phones can read the qr picture. I just don't understand how it works. You take a picture and the url comes up on your screen? It's great that the museum is trying to integrate other resources into their display, even the video of the artist. Many times, they tried to put video screens up on a loop, but its always in the wrong spot and hard to follow etc. This seems like a much better solution. And more interactive!