CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 02, 2009

Waffle Shop

Carnegie Mellon University: "A common college experience: late night waffles and coffee. An uncommon college experience: creating a Waffle Shop and turning it into a reality talk show with the community."


arosenbu said...

I think this is really cool! I wish it were closer to campus, so that students would at least know about it, and could go. I think that there is a LOT that goes on on this campus, which is super innovative and neat, and other colleges or departments don't know about it. I feel like someone should have a project devoted to telling the campus of everyone else's projects

C. Ammerman said...

This article points out two things. One, that there are no places within sane walking distance of campus to get food at 2am, and more importantly two, that you can make a show almost anywhere. CMU does a lot of cool stuff on a daily basis, but they don't do a great job of letting people now whats happening. I know we have a CMU TV organization, I'd like to see stuff like this waffle show on whatever channel (still can't find it) CMU TV manages. Hell, I'd like to see more campus based stuff publicized in general.

MichaelSimmons said...

Thats awesome!

I've worked in restaurants for year, and always thought that some of the conversations I have been a part of and have overheard have been incredibly interesting and should be documented.

And now I'm hungry for waffles.