CMU School of Drama

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to Stay Motivated and On-Track When You’re Struggling

Stepcase Lifehack: "Maybe you’ve been trying to kick-start your business and it just hasn’t worked yet. Maybe you’ve just started but you’re already frustrated. Or maybe you’ve wanted to hit that next level for years and haven’t been able to get there. Regardless of your situation, getting motivated and on-track isn’t difficult. It’s staying that way that’s the trick. And when you’re struggling to “make it,” sometimes it’s even harder. You find yourself wandering, letting yourself get distracted, and wondering if you’ll ever really make your mark. Want to end the cycle of struggle? Master these tips and you’ll be virtually unstoppable."

1 comment:

Megan Spatz said...

I can relate to the feeling of defeat and how it hurts my motivation. When I feel like i'm doing poorly or struggling in a class its hard to keep working as hard as I can. i usually find that by allowing myself to experience a low period for a little while and just embracing that feeling, soon i'll feel motivated again and can keep on working as best I can.