CMU School of Drama

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Q & A: How a writers strike would play out

Los Angeles Times: "If there's a strike, what writers would be involved?

The nearly 12,000 members of the Writers Guild of America, who write primarily for television shows and movies.

What writers are not involved?

Writers for commercials, sports programs and reality TV, who are not covered under the guild contract.

What about writers for animated productions?

This is a gray area. Although the Writers Guild has contracts for prime-time animated TV shows including 'The Simpsons,' most animated features are covered under Animation Guild Local 839, which is part of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Some writers for these animated shows belong to both unions."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha... It figures that writers for reality tv wouldn't be in the writers guild.