CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Five Simple Hacks to Get Your Email Inbox to Empty

Web Worker Daily: "You’ve probably read a few articles on how to get your email inbox to empty (if not, read David Allen, Merlin Mann, or even a couple articles by me). Clearing your inbox and keeping it clear is just a tremendous boost to your psyche and sanity, if not your productivity. Getting it clear is one thing (be prepared to spend a day or two doing this if you have thousands of emails), but keeping it clear if you have dozens of emails coming in every hour can be a real challenge."


Anonymous said...

I've been able to keep my e-mail to one inbox. I don't know how people can do it. They have so many e-mails in their inbox and half of them they do not even read anymore or have not read at all. The idea of dealing with an e-mail as soon as you get it is a good idea. If it is important you can keep it, if not just delete it.

Anonymous said...

I completely understand the reasoning behind organizing your inbox and limiting the emails that are saved, however what happens when you get stuck and are already too far behind? At the moment, my inbox has 2,692 emails. Out of these 867 of them are unread. I know! It is horrendous! But at this point, even though I try to take some time every day to delete more, I cannot just delete them all at once. There are some in there that I am sure contain important information. Basically, I am stuck in a very bad email place right now, so although this article could be helpful if I was already in a more organized zone, I have no idea what to do. Email=Enemy