CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Expanded Board Meetings Eye Equity's Future | News #038; Media: "The first and second of three Expanded Regional Board Meetings were held in Los Angeles (September 9-10, 2007) and Chicago (October 8-9, 2007), respectively, bringing Equity's elected National Officers, Board members and National staff together with Area Liaisons from the Western and Central Regions."

1 comment:

maddie regan said...

I think it's good that Equity is thinking about looking to the future and making sure it is addressing the needs of its members. Especially right now at the reate this industry is changing, it's important to think about how recent innovations may affect the safety and livelihood of actors. As the summit actually started today, I will be eagerly awaiting some of the literature coming out as a reslt of this meeting.