CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Claire Danes - Amy Ryan - Pygmalion - Gone Baby Gone

New York Times: "SOME repaving may need to be done on the metaphoric highway between Hollywood and Broadway. Most of the traffic used to be moving west, as actors who had earned their stripes — and a modicum of fame — onstage headed to California, where greater celebrity and greater money beckoned. In the past decade or so, however, the westward traffic has slowed considerably, while the lanes heading east are filling up."

1 comment:

NorthSide said...

This article was simply all over the place! It talked about how actors are changing coasts and then went on to critique Claire Dane's new show then on to comment on an actress making her break in Hollywood. I have no idea what the general purpose was here, so I will simply comment on the critique. Pygmalion had such potential and it sadddens me that it apparently was only met halfway by the director. My fair Lady has been getting all the credit these years for the Eliza Doolitte sotry and it was finally time for Pygmalion to come back and claim the spotlight. However, I guess the musical adaption was so well written that it's hard to do a bad show. Perhaps Pygmalion's charactors are more challenging than the actors are lead to believe.