CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Beat Procrastination: Here’s a Free Tool to Watch Over You

Web Worker Daily: "Procrastination and time wasting are, in many ways, easier traps for web workers to fall into than they are for many other kinds of workers. You’ve probably seen the alarming numbers on how much time Internet connected workers tend to waste on everything from personal surfing to reading online news. If you use Firefox all day, install the free MeeTimer extension to start taking control of your time sinks."


NorthSide said...

As much as I would probably regret installing this, meetime seems like the perfect solution to all my internet distractions. At the end of the day, i like to surf the internet and before you know it I lost three hours of sleep for nothing. Having meetime would be the iron fist to remind me of what's REALLY important to get accomplished. Whoever invented this is definitely in touch with this generations work ethic dilemmas.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have tools to help beat procrastination,but this just seems excessive. Learn a little bit of self control.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would want this tool. It seems useful (if not a little bit excessive) and definately a wakeup call to what you are actually spending your time on. However, I am already quite aware that I spend an enormous time procrastinating on the internet. I don't think meetime would deter me necessarily, but just be frusterating. Especially since it would be right when it told me i was wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

I really can't see this helping me that much. Most of the work I do is on the internet and so stopping my usage of it wouldn't do me all that much good. The nicer settings would be just an annoyance that I would block out and eventually turn off (like my roommate who is reading this). I also use Safari as my browser so I can't even install thee script.

Anonymous said...

I find this sort of funny. It isn't that I think it is creepy or big brother-like. And not to say it wouldn't be helpful, I am sure it would, but unfortunately my distractions don't seem to come from the internet. So if they make one of these for other aspects of life, count me on board!