CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Advice for students: Staple! "There are many ways for students to annoy their professors: “Did I miss anything important?” (No, nothing like that happens in our class.) “Will this test affect my grade?” (No, not at all.) “What are your office hours?” (They’re the first thing on the syllabus.) Most professors understand that such questions are harmless; few, if any, would give the responses I’ve imagined here."


Anonymous said...

I don't know how many times I have gone to class on the day that a paper is due and have the worst difficulty finding a stapler. Those miniature staplers are very handy to have around. You never now when they will be needed. It always seems to happen the day of when you need a stapler and all of the ones that you know exist either brake or are out of staples. Keep one on you.

S said...

The best investment I made last year was a mini stapler. It was funny almost every single day we turned something in there would be at least a few people who would need to borrow it. However, I have to say that there are a good amount of times when using a clip seems more suitable and practicable then stapling, especially any project where your handing in multiple types of paperwork that interrelate to each other.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I need to invest in a mini stapler someday. Hopefully someday soon. I am not one who is prone to handing in separate pages, and I much prefer paper clips to staples, but my biggest fall back all through high school was safety pins. Yes, I would safety pin pages together if I did not have access to a stapler. Why I always had safety pins, I still do not know.