CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Stage Review: 'Little Red' gets lost in thicket of stories

Post Gazette: "Last year, James Michael Shoberg raised eyebrows with a dark, dirty, contemporary spin on 'Alice in Wonderland.' It worked so well because the characters and key story elements closely paralleled those from the original. The new work 'A Little Red,' a collection of short plays written by him and others and loosely based on 'Little Red Riding Hood,' is less effective because characters and key story elements miss the mark."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its interesting because I heard that Frank Wildhorn was making an Alice in Wonderland musical and to me that would be something fascinating but I am not sure if it is always necessairy to keep the story exactly like the fairy tale itself. Look at "Into the Woods" and other musicals which put little twists on the fairy tales we all know and love.I think it depends on the audience. If its for adults than a twist might be nice but if its geared towards a younger crowd than the more truthful to the tale, the better.