CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 22, 2006

Networks say indecency policy imperils live TV

Yahoo! News: "In papers filed late Thursday at the FCC, Fox, CBS, NBC and Telemundo argued that the government policy already has forced TV writers and producers to alter scripts and has caused network affiliates to avoid airing controversial programs or broadcast them on late at night. ABC was expected to make a separate filing."


Anonymous said...

The real problem with trying to enforce "community Standards" on TV or Movies, or any internet based medium, is that they reach so many different communities! And what is perfectly acceptable to one, may be quite objectionable to the other.

The good news out of this article is that the government finally raised a fine against corporate america to the point of pain. The fine apparently has actual teeth, since it is being objected to by everyone. So the fine clearly has the potential to enforce a standard. Now we just need to figure out what a reasonable standard is to be enforced!

I think the TV stations are correct. The opinion of 5 people as to what is objectionable to them on any given day, or based on any given amount of political pressure is a bit too vague to work with. I'm not sure what the standard should be, but there definitely should be a clear standard.

Anonymous said...

It makes very little sense to me that in this hypermedia society that people are willing to put up with a government and a conservative base who would rather just not show something rather than risk something contravercial happening. anything can happen at any time in live theatre will that be next?

mr. barton