CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 31, 2016

Exactly How To Position Yourself As A First-Time Jobseeker

Fast Company | Business + Innovation: If you're kicking off an entry-level job search, standing out in a sea of qualified candidates can be tough. After all, your work experience is likely limited to internships, and your academic credentials may be a hit or miss as far as an employer’s needs are concerned.

1 comment:

Marisa Rinchiuso said...

Every college student wonders this! The prospect of leaving college and trying to compete with others to have a career is daunting. This article brings up many good points, but is nothing new from what we probably all figured. One of my favorite portions was his discussion of tying your skills, hard or soft, to your personality. A lot of what we study or invest our time learning has some sort of significance to us, so I think that reflection can be refreshing. I think writing out that list and truly breaking yourself down into bullet point list can give you clarity. I often feel caught up in the "who am I" idea. Trying to market yourself is much harder than marketing something else, because there is no objective view; it's you. I believe the list will allow for some emotional detachment. A portion of the article I did not enjoy was the overcomplicated follow up email. I read the article from the same author over follow up emails, and I did not enjoy it. I think trying to over exert your greatness, particularly after your interview can be detrimental to your chances.