CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 03, 2014

Are We on the Verge of Television’s Third Golden Age?

Lost Remote: As TV critics often remind us, we’re living in a second Golden Age of television. It’s an exciting era in which writers and producers, now freed from the constraints of the major networks thanks to the proliferation of TV channels, online distribution options and independent production companies, are taking risks and serving up innovative content. Inspired by HBO’s wildly popular mobster series, The Sopranos, a new generation of producers began offering critically acclaimed fare like Breaking Bad and Mad Men. And now, series like Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards are making waves via subscription streaming services.


Nikki LoPinto said...

This theory of a 'Third Golden Age' of TV is exactly what my parents have been talking about for years. To be plainly honest, there are way too many TV channels in America, and only a concentrated few that produce television shows of any worth. Perhaps 100 channels out of the 1000 Time Warner boasts I have enjoyed and taken time to flip through. But as a college student without a television of my own, I have taken to watching everything I've wanted to watch on my laptop. I know what I want to watch, and if I don't know what to watch I have Netflix or IMDB to provide me with a few ideas on what I would like. I think my generation has become adept enough with our media system that we don't need to be overloaded and 'wowed' with how much we are able to watch. It's time for television providers to think about each and every one of their customers, and allow them to watch what they want based on how they feel.

Zoe Clayton said...

I can't remember the last time I really watched television--on the television, I mean. Since shows are easily accessible online, I don't own a television where I live in Pittsburgh. Every channel that you turn on is filled with ridiculous shows or useless information flanked by advertisements that make you question humanity's intelligence. Why not pick and choose what you watch firsthand with a system like Netflix, HBO, or Showtime; they all contain really interesting and entertaining shows you don't find anywhere else. TV is entering a new age, definitely, because the popular medium is no longer 30 minute sitcom or soap. Entertainment is changing and it's so exciting to hopefully one day be a part of it.