CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why are we still waiting for Godot?

BBC News: So why are we still waiting for Godot? How has Samuel Beckett's play grown from a tiny avant garde performance in Paris to become part of the West End theatre coach party circuit?

It's 60 years since Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot received its premiere in the Theatre de Babylone in Paris.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this play, however the first time I read it I understood absolutely nothing of it. But as I went back and looked at and talk with a friend who was designing and putting on a production of the play, I began to come up with meaning for myself of what the play meant. I think that because this play holds very little meaning in some of the symbols and reasons people can pick and choose what they see. Making this play relevant to every person. I would even compare Waiting for Godot to works of Shakespeare. Both Waiting for Godot and Shakespeare's work can be set any where, because at the core of the plays are some of the most extreme elements of human experience. I believe this work of theatre will last much longer than Beckett ever expected.