CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Marvels Inside the Wyly

Art & Seek – A service from KERA for North Texas: "In planning for its new home in the Wyly Theatre, the Dallas Theater Center was determined to continue its 25-year tradition of 'flexible' theater. The Theater Center's Arts District Theater was flexible in the way it could be completely altered, its seating and staging configuration changed for each production. The basic thinking behind the Arts District Theater was that of a movie studio. It was a tin shed with a concrete floor, and everything inside it could be dismantled and scraped away and re-built differently for the next show."


Robert said...

this is an amazing building an i would love to see it in person. also it would be very cool to see it change form theater to theater. when i read an article last week about this building i was amazed and now after reading and seeing the videos i am even more astonished of the building i cant amazon the time they put into the playing of this theater also with them saying that this technology is being use in differ applications then theater i am amazed of it. i just cant imagine what is on the design board now if this is just being completed. this article was so amazing at showing me a new theater.

Ariel Beach-Westmoreland said...

I cannot wait to see photos of the shows that come out of this theater. The great thing is that there is no expectation of the performances. I mean that, there is no limitations on what the sets will look like. I wonder if perhaps there is a way to combine the various set ups. Maybe one day they will get it so that the auditorium will be able to change so quickly that they can incorporate that into the performance.

Anonymous said...

The idea of a completely reorganizable theatre really strikes the tech nerd inside of me. Despite the fact that they won't be doing any flying of walls or other components during performances, the leaps and bounds made in wireless technology for this to be possible leads me to believe that this space could become any designer's dream (if ever the space is used for theatrical performances). You wouldn't be limited in space or capacity, and with the flying walls, you have much more height to work with, allowing for beautiful, overpowering pieces to really blow the audience away. Sign me up and bring me to Dallas.