CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Eye of the Storm

Steppenwolf Theatre Company Blog: "Technical rehearsals started today for Fake. We joke and call it the fake tech rehearsal, but it’s very real, and hopefully all our expectations will be met. This is the first time the crew and cast get to see all the production elements together.
The initial hours of tech give me an indication of how the next three or four days will go. So far, so good. We’re about two hours in and moving along."


Unknown said...

It is really cool to see the Director/Designer/Playwright blog their process throughout the teching process. Not only is this the realization of a vision as a writer and director but as a designer. This man is playing so many roles it is crazy to think how he handles it all, jumping between each role when needed. Hope he has good assistants!

It seems that he is handleing itvery well though and without to much stress. He stayed on track for what he needed to get done and did it while staying sane. A tough goal.

Devrie Guerrero said...

Agreed. Personally Tech and Hell weeks are second favorite parts of working on a show. There's so much going on and stress levels get high. i like seeing how everyone reacts to stress and to issues that arise. sometimes you can see peoples true colors. i also love the problem solving when problems and conflicts happen

Sharisse Petrossian said...

This sounds like my journaling during tech week, except I'm far more simplistic and not as professional-sounding. I've probably said this 1,000 times, but I'm a total dork for collaboration. I love the process more than anything. To carry off of what Bryce and Devrie are saying, I think blogs should exist for almost every show. It seems once I got to CMU, the flash of professional theatre hit hard, and it was difficult to realize a lot of things were not going to stay the same. A lot of the fun you have in high school is not the fun you have once you are hired for a job (I can hear the chorus of "deal with it," I know). It's hard for me to imagine what how it's all going to turn out, since right now I really have no idea. Reading someone's thoughts during tech week make me a little happier, because when you come down to it, it's all really about the same thing: working together to tell a story. Or I hope so anyways. This guy makes it seem pretty thrilling.

MONJARK said...

The teching process can be a stressful one. It takes a lot of effort to tech an amateur high school with its 50 lights, inexperienced crew, and 3 pieces of scenery. This was a great inside view into what really goes on in a professional theater tech, and was very interesting for me to read. I can imagine this is more what a CMU tech is like, and being able to get a glimpse of the professional scene is very useful for me.