CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mastering the Art of Prioritization

Stepcase Lifehack: "There are two approaches to “prioritizing” the tasks in your to-do list that I see fairly often. By prioritization, I’m not talking so much about assigning importance to tasks, but deciding which will take chronological priority in your day—figuring out which tasks you’ll do first, and which you’ll leave to last"


Anonymous said...

This writer hit the head on the nail... find the system of prioritization that works for you. It all depends on how your brain works and what you have scheduled for a particular day. However, your system should be flexible, because if you aren't then you will never get anything done.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cody, implementing these systems is really a time when you have to customize it for yourself and how you function while working. I find that doing small things gets me prepared to do bigger things because it gets my mind warmed up. Additionally, something this article doesn't mention, is when you need to prioritize NOT doing work. I think taking a break and giving yourself some time to just relax is just as important as making a to-do list and staying on top of all your tasks.

Sam Thompson said...

I find that I like to get the small projects done first, because that gives me some momentum going into the bigger things, and less to worry about. However, I think the first two comments are absolutely correct. No one system is going to work for everybody. It's all about figuring out what works for you, and using that to your best advantage. College can be a really good time to explore this.