CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Clean House

Pittsburgh City Paper - Pittsburgh: "In the program for The Clean House, now receiving production by the University of Pittsburgh Repertory Theatre, we see that the setting is 'a metaphysical Connecticut.' That is, not the actual northeastern Yuppitopia, but a place that looks and behaves very much like it."

1 comment:

Josh Smith said...

Why must critics always play devil's advocate. If you liked the show - tell us why, if you didn't like the show, tell us why it didn't strike you like you hoped it would. It gets annoying when critics now bombard you with plot, plot, plot, and then have a small snippit of oppinion at the end. I for one have seen "The Clean House" and in no way found it self absorbed. Nor did I find the absurdist elements as important as the arc of Mathilde's search for the perfect joke.