CMU School of Drama

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Theater box seats as best seats in the house?

Chicago Tribune: Ever watched a show from a box at the side of the stage?

Didn’t think so.

Although boxes remain a dominant part of theater architecture, they’ve gone from highly desirable to barely salable over the last hundred years.

1 comment:

Katie Welker said...

This was definitely a really interesting read after seeing the pandemic go on for three years now. Especially since box seats have not made their renaissance like this article ponders and predicts. I think it is interesting to see how people were predicting that the pandemic would affect people and the theatre industry early on in the pandemic. The idea that box seats would become hip and cool again is intriguing to be honest. The thought process that the author of this article uses to get to and explain this prediction is interesting and makes a lot of sense. The information about box seats going back to The Globe theater in England is really interesting. That along with the explanation as to why the popular seats in a theater have moved from the box seats to the orchestra is interesting to me as well. Overall, I think this is a pretty interesting article.