CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Second City, the famed comedy troupe, has its own workplace anti-harassment training

Chicago Tribune: In a large conference room in a suburban Dallas office park, three dozen employees of an American manufacturing company are standing in a circle, tossing around a bunch of imaginary balls. Some are red, they are told - others are aqua, yellow or green. But before long the balls turn into "dirty tissues," "dead roaches" and even a "sleeping baby." Each time a staffer "catches" an imaginary item, he or she is supposed to say what it is and then say "thank you," but the niceties are drowned out by laughter over the seemingly nonsensical exercise.

1 comment:

Vanessa Ramon said...

This is so interesting. I had no idea that Second City had a branch of its company that works with companies to educate their employees in matter of awareness of one's self and actions and how those both affect others. We are always told that even a little acting experience is beneficial because it shows them that you know how to talk to people and you are aware of how to handle yourself around others. I'm glad that Second City is using their expertise to help educate people to make a more safe working environment. That's why I find it interesting that companies are seeming to have such cautious reactions to this training. I guess i can understand how those in the corporate world can't see how much attention this art form has to pay to how we interact with each other and what each one of our actions mean.