CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Have we reached peak playwright on TV? If you want to see who is hot in theatre writing today, just turn on the TV. We have reached peak- playwright with new series from Jack Thorne, Jez Butterworth, David Hare and Mike Bartlett all following hot on the heels of each other.


Alexander Friedland said...

I read this article because I was very skeptical of the claim. I think it is very difficult to say that we are in a peak place for TV because we are living in the now. Looking back on a time period, then it can be qualified somewhat accurately though there is no way to say that we are definitely in the best TV writing time. This article did exactly what I thought it was gonna do. It just listed TV shows that are right now very popular and good but failed to say why this is a golden age over other time periods or times to come. The author says that some TV writers are former playwrights but I don’t think that is a sufficient reason for saying that these TV writers are better than the ones to come in the future. This article might be right that now is the best time for TV but seeing no one can accurately predict the future then there is no way to say that we are an at a peak of TV.

Mary Emily Landers said...

Similar to what Alexander expressed, I think it is very difficult to define anything as a peak of all time, because we do not know where we have yet to grow. Television is definitely a main attraction right now, as people become more and more connected to the technology they have in their hands and less about the world around them, but television is also in some ways an insight into that mindset. The television shows the author listed are very good, but they are also just shows that have captured the public eye for the current audience. As audiences change and people grow and expand in knowledge, television and its writings change with. Writing for television is reaching a new realm because things are finally being discussed that have never been acknowledged on a public atmosphere, because writers are growing and expanding their craft and using the words and the set up to create an impactful story, but that doesn’t mean its at an all time peak by any standards.