CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 06, 2015

I Had an Out-of-Body Experience at an Oculus Rift Art Show

The Creators Project: Artist Jeremy Couillard has tried everything to have an out-of-body experience—meditation, psychedelics, even listening to hypnotic cassette tapes from Bob Monroe, the father of altered consciousness who coined the term in the early 70s. However, when Oculus Rift started popping up in developmental stages, Couillard saw it as the perfect medium to explore and manipulate another state of being.

1 comment:

Eric Wiegand said...

The Oculus Rift is a fascinating invention to watch develop, pushing new boundaries for virtual reality experiences. This is a unique use for it, as part of an art installation, and it makes me wonder to what ends it will be used in the future as developers continue to fine-tune the technology. Ever since the idea could be conceived, people have been waiting for well-made virtual reality, so this is an exciting time to be watching it become more accessible. My question is, if for example the Oculus Rift progresses into a truly immersive experience, how will virtual reality change the way we consume media? Is there any chance that one day episodic stories will be able to be shown through virtual reality, movies even? Maybe not in our lifetimes, but it will be very interesting to watch the technology grow. <54-102> 54-102 54102 Eric Wiegand