CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

CMU Spring Carnival Celebrates 101 Years, April 16-18

Carnegie Mellon News - Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon University’s Spring Carnival enters its second century, April 16–18. The following is a sample of events that are free and open to the public.

This year’s opening ceremony at 3 p.m., Thursday April 16 on the “Midway” will include remarks by Spring Carnival Committee members and Gina Casalegno, dean of Student Affairs and associate vice president. Student organizations are building booths focused on the theme “Living Library.” The structures, often reaching two stories in height, will include “The Princess Bride,” “Jumanji,” “Jurassic Park” and “Sherlock Holmes.”

1 comment:

Sabria Trotter said...

Carnival time is really exciting for so many Carnegie Mellon Students. All of the organizations get to come together and work on these amazing group projects, like Buggy and Booth, and it is also just a good end of the semester break for all of us to bond over music and entertainment. However, over the past week scenic Fabrication and Install as well as my Emergency Medical Responder class has made me more and more concerned about how student safety is handled during all of these events. Booth construction is highly under supervised and as the organization are expected to build two story structures that will accommodate upwards of a thousand visitors, I feel like there should be more of a push for the training of the builders and inspection of the building materials. Buggy has also been of brought up in my EMR class as dangerous, especially as it pertains to the drivers, who are harnessed into the buggies when they crash. Hopefully, this year’s carnival won’t feature any catastrophic medical emergencies, but it’s something to think about.