CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Second Screen Apps Need to Navigate the Line Between Engagement and Privacy In order to succeed, second screen apps must engage, provide relevant content in the right way, and not appear simply as an obtrusive “data grab.”
Those are the lessons Himanshu Sareen of MediaPost has gathered by looking at several successful and less successful second screen apps in his article “Second-Screen Apps Must Engage.”

1 comment:

Adelaide Zhang said...

As I understand it, so-called "second screen" apps are ones that allow users to interact with media (namely, television) more directly through their phones. It's an interesting idea for sure, but the concept of it seems a little bit excessive, in a way. It's as if even with our addiction to the TV screen, just watching the shows is no longer enough. Everything apparently now has to be done on a smartphone or else the user will become distracted and disinterested. Granted, from the producers' standpoint, it all might as well be a new marketing ploy, especially given the reasons behind the privacy issues that have come up.