CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 06, 2014

“Post-Racial” Tensions in Rivendell's Rasheeda Speaking

HowlRound: Rivendell Theatre Ensemble’s premiere production of Joel Drake Johnson’s Rasheeda Speaking (January 9-February 15, 2014), directed by Sandy Shinner, explores racial tensions in the contemporary workplace, focusing on the relationship between a white office manager and her black co-worker in a Chicago doctor’s office. The piece looks to explore, “What we are really saying when we refuse to talk about race.” The unnamed “we”: white people. When white people refuse to talk about race, we condone racism. We make it easier for other white people not to think about it. Members of racial minorities do not have the luxury of ignoring race.

1 comment:

Camille Rohrlich said...

This play sounds fascinating, and the article does a great job of relating all the implications of the story. I love that the playwright decided that the underdog would not be a character that the audience would easily sympathize with, showing that racism is still a very important, present issue that can't be laughed away with humor and love. It's a real, constant struggle for individuals belonging to a minority and I think that theater is a great medium for sharing that message and creating discussion and reflection around the issue.