CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Mainstreaming on My Mind

Engaging Matters: My basic beliefs about the arts and community engagement are fairly well-known to anyone who reads this blog or who has read my book. 1) Community engagement is vital to a healthy future for the arts; 2) substantive community engagement is relatively rare in the established arts world; and 3) since there are no extra resources to add “new” stuff to the list of what we do, mainstreaming engagement–making engagement the core perspective in all management and programming functions–is the only way to successfully transition to an engagement agenda.

1 comment:

Brian Alderman said...

At first, this concept of making engaging the community first on the mind of every arts organization seems like a "yeah.. duh" idea. Then I realize that most organizations really don't do that! For sure, theater doesn't do that. How disconnected is a production department from the artistic endeavors and community relations of a production, or from the education department of the same company? How much do actors care about what audiences are talking about when they leave, and how they can engage them even further? I like the idea of adding further engagement to every action and every person's role in the theater- it will be different, but will ultimately be better for us all.