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Saturday, April 30, 2011
'Prophets of Funk' plants the seeds of soul
Play to recall the creation of Maxo Vanka murals at church
Seton Hill University closes season with 'Cabaret'
Theatre Factory's woos audiences with 'Always Patsy Cline'
City Theatre's season roams from tigers to Gershwin
Qlab Training Tutorial
Candle, candle, burning bright
PTwo Important Lessons from My Much-Procrastinated Trip to the Dentist
From New York City Opera to the Philadelphia Orchestra, April Is the Cruelest Month
Bill Would Raise Hawaii's Production Tax Credits by 20%
Friday, April 29, 2011
Public Theater's 'Superior Donuts' made with good ingredients
Dance troupe grooves to funky sound
The 40th, and final, Schenley High School musical goes onstage
City Theatre fills out its 2011-12 season
'Dialogues des Carmelites' full of musical communication
Greensburg Civic Theatre tackles 'Three Musketeers'
'Fame' draws on the best of the Westmoreland County
'Who Killed the King?' takes murder mystery to the Middle Ages
56th Annual Drama Desk Nominations Announced; Book of Mormon Scores 12 Nominations
Cirque du Soleil Recreating Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch
How to ease your student loan burden
Are greetings and salutations redundant in an e-mail?
ETCP Offers Contractor Recognition
2011 Non-Equity Jeff Award Nominees
In The Wings - Theatrical Sculptor - April, 2011
How to Create Scrim Panels that Move
Dionne Warwick and Shirelles sue Broadway musical
Huntington Theatre gets $10 million gift
Off Broadway Alliance Award Winners Announced
AGMA: No NYC Opera Strike
2011 Drama Desk Award Nominations Announced
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
NFTRW Weekly Top Five
How Many Times A Day Should You Check Your Email?
Posted by David at 4/25/2011 03:53:00 PM <--comments hereLifehack: "When it comes to our work email, most of us see it as a ball and chain. We’ve constantly got to be checking it, or risk the wrath of the bosses and co-workers that are trying to communicate with us. If we don’t respond to an email within 5 minutes, we’re seen as lazy or unproductive. But according to some experts, checking your email too frequently is actually a major factor that can contribute to diminished productivity. If you are one of those “every time my phone dings I must check my email immediately” sort of people, read on to discover why you may have become your own worst enemy.
10 Tips to Shred the Competition in your Skype interview
Life After College: "You may already know this, but allow me to reiterate: corporate HR has discovered Skype. And they’re using it with increasing frequency to interview candidates. It’s cheaper than flying you in, and it’s more personal than a phone call.We10 Tips to Shred the Competition in your Skype interviewlcome to your huge advantage in the job search. Do use it accordingly. Even if you’re not job searching, these tips are helpful for any Skype calls you do, including informal interviews and networking.Posted by David at 4/24/2011 03:37:00 PM <--comments hereLarry Kramer Hand Delivers His Latest Message
Posted by David at 4/25/2011 03:54:00 PM <--comments "“Are you the playwright?” the young woman asked the bearded, bespectacled older man who was handing out fliers on Sunday night under the marquee of Broadway’s Golden Theater. Indeed he was: At age 75, after decades trying to find a bigger platform than Off Broadway for his messages, Larry Kramer is making his Broadway debut with “The Normal Heart,” his autobiographical work from 1985 about the AIDS crisis in New York City.
'Batman' film may complicate Downtown, Oakland parking
Post Gazette: "Makers of the new 'Batman' film may want to use a significant number of Pittsburgh parking spaces late this summer, meaning motorists will need superhero levels of patience.Posted by David at 4/24/2011 03:47:00 PM <--comments hereVideo Sneak Peek: Haunted Mansion Interactive Queue at Magic Kingdom Park
Posted by David at 4/24/2011 03:43:00 PM <--comments here
Disney Parks Blog: "Attention Foolish Mortals: Walt Disney Imagineering has an exclusive first look at the new interactive queue being added to the Haunted Mansion attraction at Magic Kingdom Park – and it’s something you’ll want to check out. Your experience will now begin with a new story line inspired by some of your favorite characters previously seen only inside the Haunted Mansion. There are new crypts and other “spooky” sights to see as well as my favorite tombstones with witty epitaphs to the dearly departed like, “Drink A Toast To Our Friend Ken, Fill Your Glass And Don’t Say ‘When.’”How to Read Costume on Film
Posted by David at 4/21/2011 10:25:00 PM <--comments hereClothes on Film: "Costume design remains one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated filmmaking arts. Far in excess of merely ‘dressing’ an actor for their role, costume design is discourse. A film can be read via costume; sometimes overtly, sometimes subtextually. Not just conspicuous sci-fi or period, but contemporary stories set within a familiar world in familiar attire. On screen even the most rudimentary item of clothing can take on meaning.
The Alice Project
Posted by David at 4/21/2011 10:39:00 PM <--comments herePittsburgh City Paper: "'What the hell was that I just saw?' grumbled a nearby theater-goer leaving what I had enjoyed as a fascinating multimedia spectacle. OK, the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama's The Alice Project is not for everyone. A familiarity with the play's inspiration, Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass (And What Alice Found There), would probably help; just don't be pedantic about it. This is an interpretation, actually an experiential one, of that book's sequel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Monday, April 25, 2011
La Roche dancers end year with gala
The New Colony, an Experimental Troupe, Wins Broadway In Chicago's Emerging Theater Award
Larry Kramer Hand Delivers His Latest Message
On First Day Back, Injured 'Spider-Man' Performer Says He Can't Wait to Fly Again
Inspector General Released

How Many Times A Day Should You Check Your Email?
Introducing A Priceline For Live Events
Hits, Runs and Errors
TEDxMaastricht - Tim Hurson - "The shock of the possible"
YouTube: "Think you think as well as you can? Think again. Regardless of your basic equipment you can learn to think better — more productively, more creatively, more effectively. Tim Hurson (@tim_hurson) shows you a proven, repeatable process that will help you have more ideas, better ideas, more of the time.
A Bit of Primal (Wilhelm) Scream Therapy
Topless Robot: "Twelve solid minutes of the Wilhelm scream as used in pretty much every movie, ever.
Still Time to Contribute to By Design Day
Lost Horizon Night Market, Brooklyn’s Theater of the Bizarre
Adult themes, nudity, occasional walkouts
Russia's Bolshoi to Reopen After Reconstruction
Bullet for Adolf: The faint whiff of 'Cheers'
‘King Lear’ to get all-Aboriginal production at NAC
Actors' Equity Awards
The word is getting out: Arts can help cities climb back
Local brewery converted into gallery for 24 hours
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It can be good to be bad
Review: 'Donuts' sweetly rounds out central characters
CLO Caberet's 'The Marvelous Wonderettes' re-creates the girl-group era
The musical review time-travels through the 1950s and 1960s as the Wonderettes: Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy and Suzy progress from their Springfield High School senior prom to their 10-year high-school reunion.
'Batman' film may complicate Downtown, Oakland parking
Newly minted grads face loan loads
American Idiot Closes on Broadway April 24; Tour and Film Are Next
‘Black Watch’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse
Theresa Harris, a Black Actress Who Left an Impression
Video Sneak Peek: Haunted Mansion Interactive Queue at Magic Kingdom Park
Disney Parks Blog: "Attention Foolish Mortals: Walt Disney Imagineering has an exclusive first look at the new interactive queue being added to the Haunted Mansion attraction at Magic Kingdom Park – and it’s something you’ll want to check out. Your experience will now begin with a new story line inspired by some of your favorite characters previously seen only inside the Haunted Mansion. There are new crypts and other “spooky” sights to see as well as my favorite tombstones with witty epitaphs to the dearly departed like, “Drink A Toast To Our Friend Ken, Fill Your Glass And Don’t Say ‘When.’”
Behind The Scenes: New Ways to Experience the Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World
Disney Parks Blog: "If you enjoyed Walt Disney Imagineering’s exclusive tour of the new interactive queue at the Haunted Mansion attraction, then you’re in for a treat. The hitchhiking ghosts have found new ways to interact and play with you. And today, Imagineers are sharing their stories on how it all came together. Using some of the newest and most innovative technologies, you’re placed at the center of the story right in your “Doom Buggy” at the Walt Disney World Resort. It’s amazing, check it out.
10 Tips to Shred the Competition in your Skype interview
Fabio Luisi, James Levine’s Heir Apparent at the Met Opera
Duo takes sports fare to stage
Saturday, April 23, 2011
'Sirens of TI' cast enjoys camaraderie
Seattle Theaters Showcase Union Support
Festival all shook up over booking conflict
Stripped Of Its Rubber Skin, Sarcos Dances For His Creator’s Pleasure
Monday, April 25
4:30 pm • Porter Hall 100 (Gregg Hall)
A Massacre Averted: An Armenian Town, an American Nurse, and the Turkish Army They Resisted
Nancy Klancher, PhD candidate in the Cooperative Doctoral Program in Religion at the University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
The final years of the Ottoman Empire were characterized by ongoing wars, resulting in unspeakablesuffering for civilians of all ethnic backgrounds, but particularly Armenians. The mass deportation and deaths of Armenians, beginning in 1915, prompted Woodrow Wilson to send a corp of relief workers to this region. Among them was a 37-year-old nurse from Pennsylvania named Mary Super, whose memoirs illuminate in dramatic detail a struggle against wholesale massacre in the midst of civil war. In 1920, Super and five American and Canadian relief workers found themselves in the middle of a two-month Kemalist siege of thesmall mountain town of Hadjin. Super was a friend of the author’s family. Nancy Klancher found the memoirs among her grandmother’s possessions and will discuss the historical, religious, and cultural context of Super’s harrowing tale.
Monday, April 25
12:15 pm • Rachel Mellon Walton Room, Posner Hall
Why Women Matter
Debora Spar, President of Barnard College
Debora Spar is a political scientist by training. Her research focuses on issues of international political economy, examining how rules are established in new or emerging markets and how firms and governments together shape the evolving global economy. Spar is the author of numerous articles and books, including most recently Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Invention, Chaos, and Wealth from the Compass to the Internet and The Baby Business: How Money, Science, and Politics Drive the Commerce of Conception. Prior to coming to Barnard, Spar was the Spangler Family Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Associate Dean, Director of Research.
Co-sponsored by the Center for International Relations and Politics and Women in the Social Sciences
Tuesday, April 26
4:30 pm • Steinberg Auditorium (Baker A53)
America and the Arab Revolutions
Blake Hounshell, Managing Editor, Foreign Policy
Blake Hounshell joined Foreign Policy in 2006 after living in Cairo, where he studied Arabic, missed his Steelers finally win one for the thumb, and worked for the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies. A graduate of Yale University with a bachelor's degree in political science, he has appeared on CNN, NPR, C-Span, WTOP, WNYC, and Al-Jazeera, among others. In February 2011, he returned to Cairo to cover the Egyptian revolution. He speaks mangled Arabic and French and lives in Doha, Qatar.
Co-sponsored by the Center for International Relations and Politics and the Humanities ScholarsProgram.
Friday, April 29
4:30 pm • Mellon Institute
Quantum Computing and the Limits of the Efficiently Computable Kentucky Opera
Job Title: Director of Production
Full time salaried position with benefits package
Reports to: General Director
Supervises: Stage Manager and Assistants, All Designers and Assistants, Props Master, Costume Shop Manager and shop overhire, Wig & Make up Personnel, other seasonal Artistic and Production staff per specific needs of production
Works Closely with: Music Director, Artistic Administrator, Director of Finance
Senior staff position responsible for managing all aspects of production. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Production Planning
- Collaborate with General Director on mainstage repertory planning, determining production sources through research and thorough forecasting. Work with GD to plan and execute community and regional partnership programming, including annual co-production with the Owensboro Symphony Orchestra and one-offs.
- Create production budget; execute, administer, and track all production expenses. Support Finance Department with expense and revenue reports via accurate and up-to-date record keeping.
Production Operations
- Develop new productions, managing the production team and the design process from initial concept meetings through construction and final performance, or secure, adapt and manage rental productions as determined by repertory planning.
- Develop and manage all production calendars and schedules (including placement of all rehearsals and related events) in coordination with artistic and community partners, including the Kentucky Center for the Arts and the Louisville Orchestra (an AFM organization).
- Serve as Technical Director.
- Supervise all IATSE stage crews and determine crew sizes.
- Develop and oversee stage schedules.
- Coordinate all aspects of scenery: negotiate contract rentals; handle logistics; adapt rentals into own performance venue and draft plans using CAD software; rent, buy, or build show-specific technical elements.
- Coordinate production requirements of guest lighting designers; secure rental packages.
- Research and buy “stock” technical equipment as needed.
- Manage storage facilities, including scenery and prop warehouse, and costume storage.
Personnel Management
- Hire and supervise designers (set, costume, lighting, wig and make-up) and seasonal production staff (choreographers and fight directors, costumers and shop overhire, stage managers, prop master, dressers, and wig crews).
- Co-supervise Artistic Administrator with regard to production-related duties, including chorus and supernumerary administration and company management.
- Supervise Costume Shop Manager and shop operations, including rentals.
Organizational Responsibilities
- Work closely with all departments to advance organizational mission, including but limited to:
- Education – integrate resident “Studio Artists” into mainstage activities; support outreach and educational programming
- Marketing – provide production content and ideas for promotional materials and activities
- Development – participate and support cultivation and fund-raising events; assist with work sample preparation for grant proposals
Bachelor’s degree in performing arts or a related field; previous production management experience in opera preferred. Thorough knowledge of current practices, procedures, equipment, and technologies in professional performing arts production management; demostrated leadership ability and team management skills; ability to multi-task; experience with union crews; knowledge of CAD software.
Applications will be accepted electronically through May 7, 2011. Position available June 1, 2011. Submit an application letter, resume and the names and contact information of three references to No phone calls please.