CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 18, 2011

Brightening up Broadway, 'Arcadia' is unapologetically and unforgivingly dense

NYDailyNews: "It's all too uncommon when a play gooses your brain as nimbly as it juices your emotions. Tom Stoppard's dazzling drama 'Arcadia' does exactly that.
Back on Broadway 16 years after its original run in a revival from London directed by David Leveaux, the production brightens New York's theater landscape, but it's not without a few clouds.

1 comment:

hmiura said...

I do agree that there was some diction problem with the production. I was sitting in Row E center orchestra, and even I had some trouble understanding few lines.

I do have to disagree about his "acting missteps" not hurting the show. Even though some say Arcadia is one of Stoppard's more accessible plays, it does require skilled actors to play out the nuances and for the audience to truly care about the characters.

Despite the mixed reviews that this production received, I was left speechless at the end of the performance. Perhaps I would have been more critical had I known the material beforehand. However, it is definitely one of my favorite shows I've seen this season. The final waltz at the end was one of the most beautiful, moving moments I have ever witnessed on stage.