CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Job

The Best Article Every day: "Chances are if you are lucky enough to have a job, the thought of quitting sounds ridiculous. With the unemployment rate at an all time high, most people are thanking their lucky stars to be employed.
But even in a bad economy some jobs are just not worth it. Are there any telltale signs you should be looking for when trying to decide if you throw in the towel? Here are ten signs to look for to determine if it’s time to find a new job


emilyannegibson said...

Sometimes you do need to stick it out. In a theatrical situation, just because you don't like your co-workers doesn't mean you can stop doing your job well. It means you finish the work and then bow out gracefully. I also am little surprised by the mention of web surfing while at work. Honestly, bored or not, that's really unprofessional. But I do agree that if your quality of life is being degraded by your job, you should think about quitting; but only after you've got another job lined up.

Sonia said...

This article brings up some good points. I think that at times if you arent learning anything new, it can be more of a stepping stone to a job that can challenge you. I completely argee that you should be excited or at least not dreading to go work in the morning. I understand that for some people, those jobs that are not as fun or appealing or not exactly what theyre looking for and they are in them because they need the money. However, that is the time to look toward the future and things that that job can help you accomplish. I think that even if there are things like youre bored, or your co-workers suck, or your boss is mean, we have the ability to control our attitudes towards our lives and we can choose how we want it to affect us. Maybe that is getting a new job or maybe that is doing your job during the day and treat yourself to something after work, whether thats a movie or just having dinner with your family. Because just having the job in the first place means there are some things to be happy about.

SMysel said...

I think it is important to keep in mind that just one of these reasons is probably not a good reason to leave your job. Many things just need to be dealt with as a way to put food on the table. Overall though, if all of these are occurring and a person is absolutely miserable and they have the means of being unemployed for awhile, it would be a good time to quit and find a happier place to work.

Jackson said...

While these are generally signs that you need to quit a normal job I feel that in theatre we encounter many of these on a daily basis that don't really mean we need to quit. Often we might not make enough money to pay bills, we may be looking for other jobs constantly, we may hate our boss, we may be stressed all the time, the company might not be doing well but all of this can just be an average day in the theatre. Our industry is, by nature, insane but that is probably at least part of why many of us are hear.

Robert said...

This is great. This a lot of people should read. I know of a lot people that hate going to work and never wont do there job. I totally agree with the article in that if you are not luring any thing working there then why is you working there. I know that for me I passed up a job this summer because I felt that I would not learn anything new from doing the job. This I feel is important for young people. When I work with people that should quit there job it is very hard not to just yell at them to do what there job is and are getting paid for. The worst thing is when they never go over and above what is expected and if they do something wrong they blame it on someone else.

Charles said...

This article stresses an important point that people don't always realize with jobs: it's a two way street. Jobs should challenge you, you should learn something, it should be a positive environment. If it's really a Dilbertian atmosphere, dead ends, no enjoyment, then what's the point? If you're going to spend 40+ hrs a week doing something, you might as well like it. It might as well matter to you. Instead all you do is waste 1/2 of your waking life in purgatory. Lame.

Ariel Beach-Westmoreland said...
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Devrie Guerrero said...

This article brings up some good points about the quality of life. Why do a job you hate doing? whats your motivation to do anything for it. Thats one of my problems. i cant imagine doing anything with my life that makes me bored or that i dont look forward to. whats the point in life? Thats why i want to do theater. i am constantly learning things new and i always look forward to doing it. My family constantly criticize me for choosing a profession that makes no money. Life without money is better than a life without passion.