CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Wal-Marting of the American Theatre

Theatre Ideas: "'All I know is that if I want to work in Chicago, I have to be in New York; if I want to work in Seattle, which is a great theatre town, I have to be in New York; if I want to work in my home town of Raleigh, I have to be in New York.'"


Megan Spatz said...

I do think that sometimes students can be viewed as a product, a fabricated machine that does your bidding. But I also think that it's up to us, the students, to maintain a sense of individuality and a unique creative mind, to combat this "wal-marting" of theatre professionals.

sarah benedict said...

I really appreciate this article, it houses a lot of truths. People get set in a certain path and all ventures off it seem risky and costly. I think the strongest atribute of theatre is its ability to question society and present the "liberal" opinion. Theatre can not do this if it gets stuck in one system and "looses the ability to grow" I fell very strongly about the comment that "it is the religion of theatre that must be challenged" I feel like changeling the society is why a lot of people seek theatre and that we always need to be engaged in the struggle.