CMU School of Drama

Sunday, March 01, 2009

NBC Universal Joins ETCP Council

PLSN: "NBC Universal has accepted a seat on the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) Council. The Council is the governing body which manages the development and implementation of ETCP, the industry-wide certification program for entertainment technicians."


aquacompass said...

This is an interesting move on the part of NBC. I think its good that they are taking a serious interest in the council and will hopefully be a force in the hiring of ETCP certified employees, as well as bringing the rest of the work force up to the standards of ETCP. The more publicity and acknowledgement the council gets, the more integral the concept of certified workers becomes in our industry.

Ethan Weil said...

I think it's good news that more companies are getting involved in this venture - the etcp program seems like a positive thing for our industry in my mind. What the article and website don't explain however, is by what process companies and organizations are chosen to get a seat. These certifications have been controversial and one of the more valid arguments, I think, is that the process and organization is not terrifically transparent. To the extent that ESTA are quickly becoming de facto governors of the industry, it seems like it would be appropriate for them to be more clear about their process. The perception of a good program should not be tainted by questions of bias and politics.