CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 12, 2009

City Theatre probes the mind of a conflicted bride in 'Mary's Wedding'

Post Gazette: "'Mary's Wedding,' a two-actor, three-character play told in a dreamscape of Mary's mind and memories, presents challenges galore for director Stuart Carden and sound designer/composer Andre Pluess. Not the least of those challenges is telling Stephen Massicotte's heartbreaking story of love and wartime loss without a safety net of 'post-modern cynicism,' as Pluess puts it."

1 comment:

Megan Spatz said...

This sounds like an interesting show. I think exploring the mind of a woman who was in love with someone who went to war, and is now marrying someone else is extremely topical. I know a woman back in Houston who was engaged to a soldier who died in the war, and is currently engaged to another man. Clearly this situation can apply to people today and I think its good theatre is exploring this story.