CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Basic PTM - Assorted


Do we still need to make comments this week for the News Week Quiz? I realize we do not have class this week, but are the comments still needed?
No quiz this week. Comments from last week and this week will roll over into next week.

Are we expected to create a 3D "arts and crafts" type object for the second chart, or can we use different line styles to distinguish between hire/fire and "can't do my job without"?
You should do whatever you think you need to do to properly represent the process. If you can do it on paper that's fine, if you need more dimensions that's fine too.

I just wanted to clarify due dates for our next two assignments. Are both the organizational charts and the new assignment we got today on forms due on April 2? They both have the same date, so I was just checking that they are in fact both due that day.
People, this is the kind of crap that happens when you don't do a schedule. Lets extend the paperwork deadline to April 9.

1 comment:

Katherine! said...

Thank you for clarifying all these points.