CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Trying to Get to Lincoln Center? These Days, Practice Won’t Help "This summer, Lincoln Center, the largest performing arts complex in the country, has been a maze of construction sites, plywood fencing and confusing detours. And it’s not going away soon"

1 comment:

Sam Thompson said...

While it is inconvenient that construction is obstructing the regular goings-on of Lincoln Center, it seems like the staff are doing a great job being proactive in keeping the complex accessible to patrons. From providing online maps, to stationing guides around the plywood maze, to collaborating with the construction company to get special things accomplished, they have made it much easier for their patrons to get to their shows. It would have been easier and cheaper just to throw up a few signs on bare plywood construction walls and call it good, but Lincoln Center put in the extra effort to make the construction period a little easier on their customers, and I think that's great.