CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Trafford's KidWorks program revisits 'Fable Factory'

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "'The Fabulous Fable Factory,' a musical production based on the familiar works of Aesop, was the first children's show done by the community theater group in its first season in October 1995, according to Carol Connelly, artistic director. The play was performed in the basement social room of St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Trafford."

1 comment:

arosenbu said...

I really like the idea of the "fable Factory". i think that it will breed even more love for the theatre, from the kids who relate to the stories having heard them growing up to those who recently read them in the library. Telling a fable is a hard art form (to do it right) and one can breath a lot of life into it. there's a lot of leeway these actors can have to really make it their own, an opportunity most kids don't get to explore.