CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 05, 2007

North American Theatre Engineering And Architecture Conference

LiveDesign: "Bill Sapsis is pleased to announce the formation of the North American Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference (NATEAC). Based on the model of the TEA conferences produced by Richard Brett in London in 2002 and 2006, NATEAC will offer more than 50 panelists speaking at over 20 sessions on topics ranging from current rigging technology to the makeup of stage floors as well as a discussion of where the proscenium will be by the year 2020."


Ryan said...

This is a great thing to have a central group to help cooridintate how theaters are being built and why because theater and its needs are rapidly changing with the way that technology changes.

Anonymous said...

this seems like something that could turnout wonderfully or awefully. i think it is a great idea, but one can only hope the the panal is very diverse and does not simply contain engineers and architects. it would be important to include varies types of people who are actually working in the facilities; anyone from technical directors to designers. lets face it, there are no perfect theaters in the world and that usaully has to do with the theater catering to only one of these groups.