CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sexual assault experienced by 94% of women: Exclusive USA TODAY Survey The first number you see is 94% — and your eyes pop with incredulity.

But it's true: Almost every one of hundreds of women questioned in an exclusive survey by USA TODAY say they have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault during their careers in Hollywood.


Unknown said...

This title is extremely misleading. When I first read it I assumed that it a.) referred to only assault instead of assault and harassment and b.) that this article referred to all women and not just women in Hollywood. These numbers are obviously still very disgusting and shocking. The fact that so many women are asked to strip in professional auditions is simply outrageous. If women who are so powerful in social influence are being abused this frequently, then what are we supposed to infer about women who are not protected by the status of richness.
It is incredibly disappointing to me that the prevalence of this violent culture in Hollywood has lasted for so long. However I am very glad that we are finally talking about it and expelling these predatory men from our culture. I hope that these numbers prompt even more reform and change. There is a lot of organizing that needs to be done in Hollywood and all arts communities right now.

Mary Emily Landers said...

These numbers are absolutely astounding, and (like Joss mentioned) slighting misleading, as I first believed this was a national statistic rather than one based off of Hollywood, but regardless. It is still horrendous. We are in a time now that is so aware of all the issues that are going on, but is barely doing anything about these issues. One would assume that if 94% of women in the industry experienced sexual assault something would be done, but instead it has been normalized and as a community we are desensitized to these astronomical numbers. "But it makes sense to me that we would see higher numbers (in the entertainment industry)," where the "casting couch" has prevailed for decades and is considered “normal." This is the main issue that we are facing as a society and it is something that needs to be changed. Hopefully as more statistics like this come out, people will understand and acknowledge how widespread this problem has become and actually start to take more actions in prevention.